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About Katie Lips

Katie Lips is an author, entrepreneur, speaker, and weight loss expert. She helps thousands of people around the world to learn to love themselves and lose weight.

Katie wrote her debut book Love Yourself & Lose Weight to share her experiences of successful and enjoyable weight loss. Having struggled with weight for many years, Katie found the secret was self-love. This engaging, honest and compassionate book about love helps people to love themselves first and then achieve their goals.

Her story is typical: when Katie was in her twenties and thirties she gained weight gradually and reluctantly, with life’s setbacks causing her to feel less and less excited about being her. She fell out of love with herself and was stuck in a rut. Fed up with feeling out of control, Katie realised the power of self-love as a catalyst for doing what she thought were difficult things. Over time, she learned to love herself and used her newfound self-love as a catalyst for easy and enjoyable weight loss.

Katie is based near London, England.


Please get in touch if you have a media opportunity or would like more information about the Love Yourself & Lose Weight book, other books in the pipeline, or Katie’s approach to self-love.


About Love Yourself &
Lose Weight

Love Yourself & Lose Weight offers a revolutionary and visionary approach to weight loss that’s not about the food you eat or the calories you burn; it’s simply all about you. It’s the success story of self-love.

“With self-love on my side, I lost over 85 pounds forever. I’m sharing my secrets of self-love to help you lose weight too. If I can do it, anyone can!”

This is the success story of self-love. Katie shares her personal, funny and inspirational story of how she found and harnessed self-love to achieve massive and permanent weight loss.

Learn to accept, like and love yourself today to achieve your wildest weight loss goals with ease.


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